Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Spaghetti Tower!


Group Evaluation.  

Our completed spaghetti tower.

1. This is a picture of our completed spaghetti tower.

Our blueprint.

This is our building permit that has been officially approved.

Reaching an amazing height of 82cm.

 2. We used a total of $340 consisting of  9 cm of tape, 10 marshmallows, and 15 spaghetti sticks.
 3. Our tower has reached the requirement of 80 cm with an extra 2 cm to spare.

First design.

 4. At first we were all satisfied with our original design, but then soon after we have realized that it was not stable enough to stand on its own.

Reinvented design.

But then we reinvented it by twisting it so then it would look like two pyramids stacked on top of each other, utilizing the triangle, the strongest shape in architecture.

The final touches.

And then we also added an additional pyramid on top making it even more stable and also taller. However, we also noticed how one side was leaning down so we added an extra spaghetti strand to increase its stability. To top it off, we had aslo added two full size spaghetti strands to the top to make it reach the minimun height. 

5. I believe that our biggest problem with this mini-project was that our original design was too unstable before we improved it by twisting it. Another problem that we faced was due to the fact that we were being a bit too rough with the spaghetti cause some of them to break.

6. If I had a chance to rebuild or edit our tower, I don't think I would because our design ended up to be quite stable and it did reach the requirement without much of a problem.

 Self Evaluation

1. At first I thought we were using our time well, but I ended up feeling quite rushed due to the short periods of class. But in the end we all persevered and completed our tower with great teamwork and communication.

2. As I looked around I noticed how most of everyone in the class was also using the triangle in their designs, just like we did, knowing that it was a great and strong shape to work with in this mini-project. And some people also used the spaghetti as a rod sticking out of the top to reach the minimum height.

3. If I was given the choice of adding another matterial to this mini-project, I would definitely use some wooden skewer sticks because they are a lot stronger and more stable than the spaghetti we were given.

4. My contribution to the group was being the assistant architect with the creation of the design for the tower, assistant foreman with the building of the tower, and lastly the main accountant in budgetting our money so we don't overspend our limit of $500.

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